Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
How to Appraise a Domain Name's Value
TLD Extension
TLD or Top-Level Domain is the ending extension attached to a domain such as .com, .net or .org. The .com extension is considered the most sought after even though there are other TLD's that are gaining huge popularity and acceptance. CC's or Country Codes are also seeing their fair share of registrations.
Name Length
Now that all the 2, 3 and 4 letter .com's have been registered, the letter count on a domain is fast becoming a huge factor in a domain's worth. The desire for a short domain is at an all time high and values are steadily climbing due to the limited supply of shorter length domains. Seems shorter names are easier to remember and with that a value increase.
Characters, Numbers and Hyphens
Hyphens integrated between letters are often viewed as separators between keywords. Although there is much dispute whether or not the hyphens negatively impact a domain's search engine optimization, there is considerable preference that a domain not include anything extra in it's name. Number digits are beginning to see their popularity rise and can be included with relevant keywords or letters to make a great domain.
Keyword Popularity
Marketable search terms and keyword popularity are extremely relevant in appraising a domain name. The frequency of a given search term helps to indicate the brandability or popularity of the keyword. Generic word domains, such as flowers.com or poker.com are the strongest in their keyword popularity genre.
Traffic and Revenue
Traffic or visitors to a particular domain is one of the most important factors to consider when appraising a domain. More traffic usually means more revenue due to pay-per-click income and possible advertising opportunities, therefore increasing the value of the domain.
Brandability and Trends
Any domain that is easily memorable, short and non-descript is considered brandable and therefore increases it's value. It would be easier for a person to remember TVrepair.com instead of the longer fix-my-broken-television.com . Not only is the first choice shorter and has better word flow but also there is less of a chance of someone incorrectly typing in the URL. Also keep tuned in to current trends that may seem to increase an otherwise meaningless domain into a treasure. An example is when Apple Computers began to incorporate the letter i into their products descriptions, such as iPhone, iPod and iLife.
Automated Domain Appraisals
This is a tricky one. Although I feel automated domain appraisal systems such as Estibot are helpful in assisting to appraise a domain, I don't feel they should be the "end all" decision used to obtain a domain's value. If used more as a reference tool, they can be one of the greatest resources that help determine an appraisal value. Any script/applications can have some bugs, especially ones with complex algorithms as Estibot. Make automated domain appraisals one of the tools to find an appraisal, not the only tool.
Future Potential Interest and Overall Appeal
As time goes by, new words, trends and fads explode onto the scene, and with each new word or trend created, a domain is born. Stay up with current events and become a regular visitor to news aggregate sites, such as Digg and domain industry specific DNHour to stay on the cusp of emerging potential interests.
I like to keep my eye on the number and quality of backlinks to evaluate an domain appraisal. While tons of irrelevant backlinks might negatively effect a domain's search engine optimization, it can still be a positive thing for a domain names' value. With more and more domains being "parked", the links tend to lean towards relevant backlinks and therefore less likely to be bogged down in the SEO nightmare of page rank. And, it's hard to argue that backlinks don't increase traffic.
Relevance, Region Specific and other Fuzzy Logic
As said earlier, there is no exact formula to appraise a domain name, and therefore the not-so-exact elements must come into play. An example would be that veteran domainers tend to skew their entire method of appraising when it comes to country specific or region specific domain names. Different factors are incorporated to determine non-English domain word values and domainers across the globe are becoming better in detecting future potential interests in foreign markets. Another example is the continuously growing popularity of "long-string domaining", or stringing multiple words or keywords to achieve a brandable and memorable domain name. TacoBell has ThinkOutsideTheBun.com and Amazon has the domain BuyABook.com. By definition, these would not be very valuable but that's when the fuzzy logic creeps in. A domain's value can be perceived in multiple ways.
So keep in mind that even though there isn't one exact correct formula being used by the domain industry to appraise domains, a reasonable appraisal can be determined by anyone if they keep all the factors in mind and how they each interact with each other.
I'd suggest you monitor the pulse of current domain sales

DNJournal's Domain Sales Chart. This will show you weekly and even yearly to-date domain sales for the industry. And don't forget to visit the front page of Sedo to view ongoing live auctions. Each of these great resources will help you in creating your own customized method of domain appraising by seeing what domains are selling and for what amount.
Irish domain names
General overview - IEDR
The country code top level domain (ccTLD) for Ireland is .ie. This ccTLD is managed by a not for profit organization in Dublin, Ireland know as the “Irish Domain Registry” or IEDR. The IEDR is not a regulatory body and provides the service to the public and internet community. The registry is responsible for the provision of IE names and the rules relating to their registration. The IEDR implements a dispute resolution policy for domains through the WIPO and unlike other registries operates Monday to Friday during business hours.
Requirements to register
The IE domain itself is a restricted domain in that only applicants who meet certain criteria may register this name. The two main requirements are: Being based in Ireland or having a strong link to Ireland (both northern and southern Ireland). Where the applicant is not based in Ireland information showing this connection must be provided. Secondly the entity registering the domain must have a connection to the name and where this connection is not obvious, must provide evidence of this connection.
Resellers and registration process
Domains are registered through approved domain resellers and are passed to the domain registry directly for approval. The approval process is carried out by a team of people known as IEDR Hostmasters. It is their responsibility to ensure the registration requirements are adhered to. Communication is passed to the approved reseller in the case where more information is required. This thorough process of vetting has led to both positive and negative effects on the domain name’s reputation.
Positive and negative aspects to the domain
On the positive side the domain was recently voted the second safest domain in the world after the Finnish ccTLD. Generally speaking IE domains are held in high regard by Irish based internet surfers. It is seen as a mark of quality or authenticity when doing business online and as a result .ie based websites are trusted over their .com cousins. Very rarely are large spam attacks initiated through an IE domain and the rate of hacks and other internet attacks from IE hostnames is quite low.
The price of .ie domain names are higher than the average TLD or ccTLD, but this price has been significantly reduced over the past 2 years, from an average of around €65 to as low as €19 today. This is due to the traditionally large human input required to approve and manage a domain portfolio. Recently the domain registry themselves have implemented an API mechanism to fast track registration, billing and modifications of domain names. This was carried out by liaising with the reseller community to assess their needs on a day to day basis. Because of the successful implementation of this API amongst the community the price of registering IE domains has fallen with some suppliers leading the way in the price reduction.
15 Ways to Become a Better Domainer
Today's domainers are needing take their domain investing to another level in order to have continued success and profitability. Below are 15 Ways To Become A Better Domainer.
Utilize the forums
As I've said in previous posts, the importance of domaining forums in the domain industry are vital and serve as a great resource for beginners and professional domainers alike. Whether you are looking for some honest appraisal opinions or asking questions that only another domainer would know the answer to, the domain forums are there to assist. 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, this constant stream of domain information has shaped many beginner domainers into today's greatest professional domainers. If you're not a member of a domain forum you should greatly consider joining one today.
Are you a domainer or a domain developer?
Are you buying domains for quick profit sales? Are you buying domains for the long-term traffic revenue? Are you buying domains to develop and birth new traffic? Whether you choose to do one or all three, you must come to terms and clarify a solid game plan when it comes to your domain investments. It's reasonably okay to have a few domains being developed but your overall strategy needs to take shape and be narrowed down to a specific objective. Developing a domain name takes time, effort and more time, but the possible payoffs are always huge. Buying domain names in bulk for quick sales is also profitable but relies more on a constant sales initiative to be successful. Either way, you need a tactical approach on how you want to market your domains.
Dissect your portfolio
I once spoke to a guy who boasted a domain portfolio of over 3000 names. After hearing how he was considering selling a few of his "best" domains, I offered to peruse the list and maybe assist with finding some end users that might be potential buyers. He agreed and the next day he sent me a list of about 1000 of his best domains that he was willing to sell. To my surprise over 90% of them were, in my humble opinion, not worth much more than the reg fee. I contacted him back and explained that I was only to find about 75-100 names that could possibly be decent sales. He was stunned. He declined and stated that my appraisal was not correct and thanked me for my time. 3 days laters, I received an email from the exact same guy asking for assistance in selling the 75-100 domain names I previously found in his list. Seems that during those 3 days, he spoke to a few other domainers and received the same appraisal and evaluation of his so called "best" domains. This guy thought since his domains contained popular words like gamble, casino, sex and technology that it automatically made his domains super valuable. What he didn't consider was the multiple hyphens and terrible combinations of typos and keywords. Don't be the domainer with a huge list of terrible domains just to brag about how large your portfolio is. Trim your "extra" domains and streamline by selling or trading and use the profit for investing in quality names that are earmarked for immediate revenue or immediate development. Be proud of the overall quality of your portfolio and not just the number of domains it contains.
Know your rep
I amazed on how many people I encounter that in the domain industry that have no idea who their representatives are for such companies as Sedo, Moniker, Go Daddy and other big domain powerhouses. The representatives of such companies exist to assist their members who utilize their services and are hands-down the quickest and easiest way to get something resolved if you feel a mistake has been made. If you have domains either parked or offered for sale with a domain company, I highly suggest sending a quick email to find out who your representative is and do you best to maintain a professional and courteous relationship with them. It's easier to ask assistance from someone whom you know and knows you than it is to ask a complete stranger. And don't forget to vote for your favorite domain rep at next years Domainers Choice Awards.
Stay clear of Trademark Infringements
This should be a no-brainer. Time and time again I see domainers struggle with the headaches caused by trademark infringements and bad faith domain registrations. Not only do most of the trademark claims filed at the WIPO result in the domain being transferred to the appropriate party, but it also indicates that your choice in domains is questionable and therefore proving that you are still purchasing non-quality domain names. Domains that infringe on trademarks are not quality. Ask any lawyer. Save your registration fee and steer clear of legal woes.
Now that your portfolio is streamlined and contains only select domain names, you definitely don't want to lose or let any of them drop and take a chance of someone else buying you lovely internet real estate. Do yourself a favor and set your domains for auto-renew at your domain register where purchased. It's a terrible feeling to have someone else scoop up one of your prize domains just because you didn't or couldn't find the time to renew the registration. Visit this great article by the Daily Domainer that explains the life-cycle of a domain name and don't let accidental "drops" happen to you.
Limit the hand regs
Hand regs or hand registrations are domains that are purchased from a publicly available source at a regular registration fee and are either brand new (never been purchased) or have expired and no longer owned by the previous owner. Go Daddy is a domain registrar that is popular with domainers and consistently used for hand regs. The possibility of stumbling along a unregistered domain is always there and the opportunity for someone to register a new domain name that never existed and create value to it is also conceivable, but in essence, most domain names that are hand regged are simply non-researched, impulse purchases that pad a domain portfolio with non-value names. Distinguish yourself as a profitable domainer and limit the amount of hand regs you add to your portfolio. One good way is to wait 24 hours before registering a hand reg domain and then re-evaluating before buying. You may lose a registration every so often but in the long run you will save on unnecessary registration fees and useless domain name ownership.
Stay current with news and sales
To be successful is to be informed. The pulse of the domain industry is constantly evolving and therefore it is beneficial to a domainer to know exactly what is the next potential opportunity or trend being created within our industry. If you buy domain names, you are an investor. If you are an investor, you need to stay current with the news of your investments and other people's investments. You can do this by monitoring the recent domain sales and news offered by many websites that are specifically geared towards todays domainers. One of my favorite websites is Ron Jackson's DNJournal. You can find great articles, news and the popular Year To Date domain sales. You need to know what domains are selling, which domains are being bought and how much they are being bought for. Invest time in your investments and reap the rewards. Predicting the next big trend is priceless.
Blog around
Domaining blogs are sprouting up everywhere with domainers eager to share their experiences, setbacks, lessons learned and tips with anyone who wants to listen. We all need to take advantage of this free and useful information by visiting various domain blogs and getting another person's perspective on our industry. And don't forget to subscribe to their RSS feeds, if it is offered, and have all this new information sent directly to you to read at your convenience... for free. Subscribe to this blog here.
Diversify with other TLD extensions
While some domainers swear that .com is the only extension worth being bought, there are others, like me, who think it's absolutely insane to dismiss all other TLD's and only buy one flavor of domain name. The popularity of .TV and .Mobi and the ongoing success of ccTLD's has risen and is playing a prominent part in today's domain marketplace. Generic domains in any of these extensions are being recognized as a highly sought after commodity with no signs of slowing. Familiarize yourself with other TLD's beside .com, .net and .org and evaluate your domain purchases on a global niche scale the next time you go to buy a domain.
Consider fractional domain ownership
Fractional domain ownership is simply a group of people that own a domain name and share in it's profits, development and use. There is not one sole owner because it is owned by the entire group. Owning a portion of a high value domain is a great way for a newcomer to the domain industry to begin and understand the ins and outs of professional domaining and share in the profit growth associated with that certain domain. It also allows "regular" domainers to group funds together and own a very premier domain name without one person having to pay the entire purchase price. Look for this trend to boom in 2008.
Optimize your parked pages
Once you buy a domain name, it is up to you whether your domain will contain a fully-functional website that you can customize/adsense or whether you will "park" your domain and allow targeted content to automatically be placed and monetized per visitor. If you choose to park your domains, it's imperative that you understand how domain parking works and how it can be optimized to bring better results. Sedo is a popular place for domain parking and allows users to see detailed stats and account information for each domain parked on the Sedo network. Revenue is shared with Sedo each time someone clicks on content on one of your parked pages and relies on consistent traffic to be a steady stream of income. Brush up on your domain parking information here.
Update your WHOIS information
The WHOIS database is sort of like a directory of purchased domain names that contains the owner's contact information, purchase date and expiration of a certain domain. One use of this information is being able to contact a domain owner and inquire about purchasing the domain. Without the correct information in the WHOis database, a potential buyer may not be able to contact the current owner and allow an offer to be placed. Contact your domain registrars and make sure your WHOis information is current and correct. If you opt not to be contacted by potential buyers, you may consider using a service that purchases domains for it's clients and keeps their information private. There is also an option to pay an additional fee at some domain registrars for private domain registration.
Contact more end users
So you have a great domain name that is considered gold in a certain industry. Great job. Now, if you have decided not to develop it and simply want to profit from a sale, I highly suggest contacting an end user. What's and end user? An end user is someone who would use the domain name specifically for creating brand recognition in a certain industry. Here's an example: Adam owns organicdogfood.com and Bob owns an organic dog food company in Texas but uses the domain BobsSuperGoodOrganicDogFood.com. Adam contacts Bob and offers a shorter, brandable and easier to remember domain name that can increase Bob's exposure on the internet for people searching for organic dogfood. Adam has just contacted a possible end user. A domain name can usually be sold to an end user for more since it is valued more by the actual user of the domain instead of a regular domain buyer.
Change your views on the domain industry
Are there still opportunities to be successful in today's domain industry? Yes.
Is there still time to take advantage of the booming domain sales? Yes.
Is it still possible for a domain newbie to come in and thrive even with a small initial investment. Yes.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Domain Dashboard Review
Croslow says he originally created the software to better manage his own growing portfolio of websites.
"I create hundreds of websites each and every month and as the number of my websites increased, keeping track of all the related website statistics, FTP and login details and other domain data just became too much," Croslow said. "It got to the point where it seemed like I was spending all of my time on these tedious tasks instead of on growing my business."
After the program worked so well for him, he decided to add even more features and make it available for a limited time to Internet entrepreneurs and webmasters worldwide.
What It Does …
Domain Dashboard is designed to help users automate the management of their websites while also streamlining their business and maximizing their profits.
The software does all of the following:
-Works with both WHM Accounts and cPanel Accounts
-Automatically pulls all add-on and subdomain details from a server
-Lists all servers, domains and subdomains in tree view
-Tracks backlink and pagerank stats
-Filters stats and exports stats to a multi-page Excel file
-Creates domain reports and statistical charts which can be saved as PDF files
-Boasts a keyword manager that associates a keyword list with a domain
-Determines if a site is ranked in the top 50 results for any terms in a particular keyword list.
-Grabs keywords and keyword phrases from awstats and automatically adds them to a keyword list
-Can create in mass add-on domains and subdomains
-Automatically sets up FTP access for all domains
-Allows users to access domain files with the click of a mouse.
-Boasts mass FTP with Auto CHMOD
-And much more
Who's It For …
Domain Dashboard is ideal for both beginning and experienced Internet entrepreneurs who are feeling frustrated with how long it's taking them to manage all of their websites each week or who are now finding checking their website statistics, staying on top of login details and keeping all of their various keywords straight to be unbearably tedious.
It is also perfect for anyone who wants to spend more time working ON a business instead of IN a business.
The software is easy to use, includes an intuitive user interface and is multi-threaded for speed.
But Does It Work?
Croslow says the program is responsible for a great deal of his recent online success and is so sure that it will work for others that he offers a 56-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.
He also has on his website numerous testimonials from satisfied customers.
While in the end, only you can decide whether this software is really right for you, it does appear that if you are an Internet entrepreneur with multiple domains who wants to begin to effortlessly manage all of your websites, while keeping track of everything from pages indexed to keywords, and while freeing up your time to generate even more revenue … Domain Dashboard could be just the software you need!

What goes into picking a Domain Name?
Domain name registration can be completed through a number of different online services. It is a relatively easy process that should not take up too much of your time. The first thing you need to do is a domain name search. This can be done by visiting any number of sites that offer domain name registration. When you are performing a domain name search you are trying to find out which names are available and which ones have already been taken by somebody else.
After completing a domain name search and finding something that suits your needs you will be able to proceed forward with the domain name registration process. This consists of verifying that the name you want is correct, and then purchasing the domain name. A domain name transfer is then made, and you will then have your very own domain name. You can then find a company that can host your domain name, and proceed to get your new web site up and running.
Domain name hosting companies are also available all over the internet. There are hundreds of sites that will be able to host your newly purchased domain name. In fact, many domain name hosting sites also offer you the ability to run your domain name search through them as well. This will allow you to be able to go through with the domain name registration at the same site that will be hosting your new name. This allows for you to cut back on a lot of headaches because you will be completing everything under the same company. They will then be able to quickly get you up and running.
While running a domain name search be sure to keep in mind the message you will be trying to convey to your audience. Remember, this is the site that they will be visiting to purchase your products or services. You want to make sure that your domain name is appropriate for the type of site you will be running.
Also, when looking for a domain name hosting company be sure to do your research. Each company offers their own distinct advantages and disadvantages, and each company will offer a different level of service for a different cost.
Overall, domain name registration is not a very difficult task. In fact, it can be very enjoyable if you know exactly what you want.
Eight Reasons To Bring You Success
Some people though are just born lucky and will manage to get credibility from Google and make it to a number one ranking. It may seem all rosy at the beginning as the site gets regular traffic, the mailing list grows and branding projects put into place. Now the problem with a poor generic keyword domain at this stage is that a poorly created domain name just won't stick, people forget it if it is not related to your particular niche and the negative turn begins.
Back in the .com era you may recall the case of Quokka.com who went on to finance an over the top publicity campaign with their unfortunate investors money totaling millions of dollars. I find it just amazing how people could believe in a poor domain name. You could probably recall this incident if you thought hard enough.
Anyway, if you were sick or on leave or something these guys running Quokka.com were actually branding their domain site at the action sports fans and quite happy to spend top dollar. They were obviously blind or something but they aren't alone as there are so many people that invest in domain names that just aren't relevant to their product. That really is the key to success, it is a domain name that has been made to fit the product.
I really would have thought that having such a great publicity budget they could have bought a better domain name like actionsportclub.com or something close to that. They were absolute twats but fortunately for us we know a lot more now. The most beneficial side of keyword domains is best expressed through the following points;-
1. Make it bleeding obvious what your domain site is promoting so for example a site dedicated to pest infestation would do well with a name like killrats.com and I guarantee traffic will come.
2. A golden rule is business is to pay attention to your competitors and with domain names you have the advantage with absolute keyboard control. You can just block out competitors as they are forced to pay big bucks for secondary keywords as you have the top keyword in your own domain name.
3. This is where we begin to see the importance of branding as there is part of the consumer society that won't buy anything else but brand products from Generic keyword domains. So straight away we will have part of the consumer society just queuing up to get our product.
4. Type-in traffic gets benefits: The majority of keyword domain names will receive regular traffic but a few do really well out of it receiving literally 100s of daily visitors. An interesting fact at this point would be to let you know that people who use their address bar instead of their search bar to navigate on the web will be more likely to buy, so your conversion rate will be given a helping hand.
5. Google, Yahoo and most search engines will help their users by sending them to pages that are relevant to their search so the keyword "digital cameras" would probably find the domain name digitalcameras.com on the first Google page. This type of traffic generation will literally bring in thousands of visitors to that domain name site.
6. Park your domain: If you want to hold on a bit before you develop the site there is no need to worry as there are plenty of different ways to reap high benefits from a good generic keyword domain.
7. A safe investment: It has been seen that over the last few years generic domains as an investment have had better results than even the stock market, real-estate, bonds, and overall inflation. Presidents of major companies are now just seeing that the power of a generic name has converted it's role in marketing into being the backbone of companies that seek continued growth.
8. Virtually cost free: The price for the domain is just $10 per year so you will soon be dreaming keyword domains... - Domainers only need concentrate on generic keyword names and push to one side fad offers such as LLL.coms, brandables, and numeric names. These may appear to be attractive offers but they lack in "real word" staying power.
These alternative investments just don't toe the line with generic keyword domain names as they just don't have any keyboard power, so just blank those other alternatives out of your mind.

Saturday, 13 December 2008
What's In A (Domain) Name?
One of the decisions you have to make when setting up a website is whether or not to get your own domain name.
The most frequent objection we hear about having a 'virtual domain' is that it's an unnecessary expense. And yes, it does cost you a little more money to get a domain name.
Your extra costs will be:
- Registering a domain with InterNIC is $100.
- If your ISP submits your registration forms you'll probably be charged from $25 to $100 for their time and effort in setting up the domain.
- Some ISPs charge more money per month to host virtual domains.
In short, it could cost you an extra $200, plus possible higher hosting fees, to get a domain name. Compare that to the total cost of having a website created and marketing it, and that's a very small additional expense.
What are the benefits?
As the Internet gains users, the professionalism of your website become more important. Would you name your business "Susan's subdivision of the Bob Company"? No. So why be www.somebody-else.com/~your-company?
In addition, if you want to advertise your website in brochures, your letterhead, business cards, or other forms of advertising, your website address needs to be easy to remember. A certain percentage of your hit traffic will come through search engines and other links where the user doesn't have to type anything, but if you want people to be able to just sit down at their browser and go straight to your website, a domain name makes the job easier for them.
It's possible that the domain name you want has already been registered by someone else. Are you out of luck? No. In the near future, seven new domain endings will be added to the now-familiar .com, .net, and .org: '.store' for businesses offering goods, '.info' for information services, '.nom' for individuals who want personal sites, '.firm' for businesses or firms, '.web' for entities emphasizing the Web, '.arts' for cultural groups and 'rec' for recreational or entertainment activities.
Country Codes
ad = Andorra | gov = USA Government gp = Guadeloupe (French) gq = Equatorial Guinea gr = Greece gs = S Georgia & S Sandwich Is. gt = Guatemala gu = Guam (USA) gw = Guinea Bissaugy = Guyana hk = Hong Kong hm = Heard & McDonald Is hn = Honduras hr = Croatia ht = Haiti hu = Hungary id = Indonesia ie = Ireland il = Israel in = India int = International io = British Indian Ocean Terr. iq = Iraq ir = Iran is = Iceland it = Italy jm = Jamaica jo = Jordan jp = Japan ke = Kenya kg = Kyrgyzstan kh = Cambodia ki = Kiribati km = Comoros kn = Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla kp = North Korea kr = South Korea kw = Kuwait ky = Cayman Is kz = Kazakhstan la = Laos lb = Lebanon lc = Saint Lucia li = Liechtenstein lk = Sri Lanka lr = Liberia ls = Lesotho lt = Lithuania lu = Luxembourg lv = Latvia ly = Libya ma = Morocco mc = Monaco md = Moldavia mg = Madagascar mh = Marshall Is mil = USA Military mk = Macedonia ml = Mali mm = Myanmar mn = Mongolia mo = Macau mp = Northern Mariana Is mq = Martinique (French) mr = Mauritania ms = Montserrat mt = Malta mu = Mauritius mv = Maldives mw = Malawi mx = Mexico my = Malaysia mz = Mozambique na = Namibia nato = NATO nc = New Caledonia (French) ne = Niger net = Network nf = Norfolk Island ng = Nigeria ni = Nicaragua nl = Netherlands no = Norway np = Nepal nr = Nauru nt = Neutral Zon |