Domain Name Industry Newsletter

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Domain Dashboard Review

Domain Dashboard is a multiple website management tool created by Jared Croslow.

Croslow says he originally created the software to better manage his own growing portfolio of websites.

"I create hundreds of websites each and every month and as the number of my websites increased, keeping track of all the related website statistics, FTP and login details and other domain data just became too much," Croslow said. "It got to the point where it seemed like I was spending all of my time on these tedious tasks instead of on growing my business."

After the program worked so well for him, he decided to add even more features and make it available for a limited time to Internet entrepreneurs and webmasters worldwide.

What It Does …

Domain Dashboard is designed to help users automate the management of their websites while also streamlining their business and maximizing their profits.

The software does all of the following:

-Works with both WHM Accounts and cPanel Accounts
-Automatically pulls all add-on and subdomain details from a server
-Lists all servers, domains and subdomains in tree view
-Tracks backlink and pagerank stats
-Filters stats and exports stats to a multi-page Excel file
-Creates domain reports and statistical charts which can be saved as PDF files
-Boasts a keyword manager that associates a keyword list with a domain
-Determines if a site is ranked in the top 50 results for any terms in a particular keyword list.
-Grabs keywords and keyword phrases from awstats and automatically adds them to a keyword list
-Can create in mass add-on domains and subdomains
-Automatically sets up FTP access for all domains
-Allows users to access domain files with the click of a mouse.
-Boasts mass FTP with Auto CHMOD
-And much more

Who's It For …

Domain Dashboard is ideal for both beginning and experienced Internet entrepreneurs who are feeling frustrated with how long it's taking them to manage all of their websites each week or who are now finding checking their website statistics, staying on top of login details and keeping all of their various keywords straight to be unbearably tedious.

It is also perfect for anyone who wants to spend more time working ON a business instead of IN a business.

The software is easy to use, includes an intuitive user interface and is multi-threaded for speed.

But Does It Work?

Croslow says the program is responsible for a great deal of his recent online success and is so sure that it will work for others that he offers a 56-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.

He also has on his website numerous testimonials from satisfied customers.

While in the end, only you can decide whether this software is really right for you, it does appear that if you are an Internet entrepreneur with multiple domains who wants to begin to effortlessly manage all of your websites, while keeping track of everything from pages indexed to keywords, and while freeing up your time to generate even more revenue … Domain Dashboard could be just the software you need!

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